Midwest Madness
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Years ago I drained the last $1.68 in my acocunt to win $694 on the Florida Marlins to take the World Series. The Marlins didn't make it that year... but they did the year after. The year I did not wager anything.
Since then I have felt due for the big pay-off. Every sport deserves a $5 spot on a calculated longshot before that respective sport's seasons begins. I thought this was the year that the since named "Marlins bet" would pay off.
Drew Brees was supposed to be paying for my vaction next week, but he failed me again. I refuse to fake being a Colts fan or hanging out with people who HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH THE COLTS FOREVER for the last two weeks. I also have trouble rooting for the Bears since they made me cry on Sunday.
Instead I'm going to Denver during the Super Bowl to be a snow fan. Go Sports!
Ok. Go Bears!
posted by Ghengis @ 4:51 PM,
1 Conflict(s):
- At January 24, 2007 at 12:54 PM, My Life In Indiana has news of...
Going to the game reinforced every stereotype I've formed about Indianans since I moved to this state. Fat, ugly, stupid. Sore (halftime)losers.
I guess don't believe that about EVERYONE in this state...just a very large majority of the people.
Have a good Wednesday.