The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Pride Zero

I was this close to posting a picture of myself standing next to my new car. Sometimes pride just takes over your thinking process and makes you want to do stupid things. The only person who can enjoy a good human/car picture is the person who owns the car and the vehicle's manufacturer who only sees dollar signs.

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Oh man that is gonna be so funny if you stand by that car and I take a picture of it. Ok just look serious like it's not funny even though it is so funny. Ok ready dude? Here it goes! Oh man what if it was unlocked and we got you inside pretending to drive it? That'd be so funny!

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Oh goodness! Next time I will remember to roll my socks up to prevent lower leg sunburn!

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You wish you could be this cool.

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Lets go pick up chicks.

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This will make my penis look bigger, although I still won't be able to see it.

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Fifi tinkled in her car seat so now she rides in my lap.

There will be no car pictures.

posted by Ghengis @ 12:12 AM, ,

I Love my Job

In grade school we had a monkey bar-less blacktop "playground". The only games to play were blacktop kickball, blacktop 2 hand touch football, or be a girl and stand around on the blacktop doing nothing. There was also one guy in our class who spent the whole time practicing wrestling moves by himself in the corner of the playground, but this isn't about him.

The whole playground was only ever unified when a helicopter was landing on the hospital roof next door. Everyone would stand there amazed at the flying beast and some of us would wave like maniacs hoping that someone from inside would be able to see and know that we were aware of the fact that a helicopter was nearby.

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I saw you, kid. I saw you.

That's not my grade school and I wasn't going to the hospital.

Also, I can fly higher than an eagle.

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Screw you Bette Midler.

posted by Ghengis @ 10:07 PM, ,

Aftermath XL

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There is still plenty of beer left if anyone wants to come over and help clean.

posted by Ghengis @ 10:24 PM, ,

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About me

    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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