My Dad Totally Owns this Dealership
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I went to say hi to the girls we usually talk to at my neighborhood bar. They already had a frat guy looking gentleman suitor talking to them so I had to wait my turn.
"Oh my God. You have THAT cell phone service?" he said incredulously glaring with his Lance Bass crazy eyes. He looked at his friend and bumped him with the back of his hand, "She has THAT cell phone service!" His friend laughed on cue. "Baby you gotta dump that shit. I'll hook you up. I got my own cell phone store."
The girl took the bait, "Which store?"
"Man, I got my own store. The one in the mall. That's why I have that Jag out front."
One of the other girls said, "Oh I have a friend that works for your company. He works at the one across town."
He opened up his crazy eyes again and laughed, "The one across town?? Hah!" He bumped his friend again. "She says he works at the store across town." His friend laughed again like a trained dog. "You mean the AUTHORIZED DEALER? The authorized dealer, HAHA! Baby you can't get a ride like the Jag I have out front working at the authorized dealer!"
"Oh I didn't know there was a difference. So that's your store at the mall?"
"Yeah! Why do you think I have that Jag out front?" he said proudly, pointing with two fingers and a thumb to the alleged Jaguar on the other side of the wall. "Come over. I work tomorrow. I'll hook you up. That's how I got that Jag out front by hookin' people up and they keep coming back!"
I was tired of this so I had to say something. Dufus hadn't noticed I was there so I acted like I just walked up. "Hey ladies, how's it going? I just saw them towing the asshole who parked in the handicapped spot out front."
The guy bumped me with the back of his hand like he did his friend, "Dude! Was it a Jag?"
"I don't know. It's dark out there but whoever it is wasted a lot of money on those wheels."
"Oh shit! Ladies I gotta bounce. See ya'll tomorrow at my store! It's the kiosk across from the Gymboree!"
When he finally left I said, "Did he have the Jag out front?"
Labels: Jag out front
posted by Ghengis @ 7:06 PM,
2 Conflict(s):
- At June 27, 2007 at 8:45 PM, Louise Allana has news of...
smooooth operator...
- At June 28, 2007 at 5:47 PM, Ghengis has news of...
I forgot to mention that his store is a KIOSK. So I went back in time and actually changed what he said to that I could add it here with amazing accuracy.
This post is probably 97% verbatim anyway.