First the wine, then the world
Friday, January 12, 2007
If I owned a company, you know the stationary would look something like this.
That makes me fear for parts of the world that I own. I am addicted to owning the world. Do not click on that link unless you do not value things such as: personal hygiene, health, social life, money in your pocket, and idle resting time for your brain when it is not thinking of things it needs to own on the earth that no one else has thought of yet. It is capitalism at its absolute worst and I love it.
posted by Ghengis @ 11:57 PM,
2 Conflict(s):
- At January 13, 2007 at 6:32 PM, My Life In Indiana has news of...
dear dan,
will you please fix your pos state? even god hates this state...evident by the fact that there is still no snow, you have toll roads yet there are still potholes everywhere, neither of our football teams ended the season right and you guys love nascar. i wish i could leave but i'm stuck here for 2 1/2 more years...
have a good weekend,
lg - At January 15, 2007 at 10:24 PM, Ghengis has news of...
I would if I could but it costs $8000 to buy this state and I need to have a few more click throughs on my ads before I can purchase it.
First of all I do not know one person who likes nascar. And since I know every person in this state, according to aquaintences from other states, that means no one likes nascar by the associative property.
The toll road potholes are a trick. Everyone who has lived in the state for 2 years is given a map of all of the pot holes. When someone from out-of-state comes in, it is inevitable that they will hit a pothole. The out-of-state people will have to walk to the nearest McDonalds or Hardys on the toll road since that is the only toll road restaraunt and is open 24 hours.
When the people ask for help, the toothless kid behind the counter will make a 'ya'll aint from round here is ya?' remark. That is the cue for the underground truck driver to jump up from his Mayor McCheese chair and capture the out-of-staters and lock them in his truck. The trucker takes them to a bumper sticker manufacturing plant where they are forced for the rest of their days to make "My kid is an honor student at XYZ elementary" stickers. These stickers make the parents of stupid kids angry and makes them irrational drivers. They drive at high speeds on the roads and forget about checking their pothole maps. Since they are driving so fast their wheels fall off when they are too far away from a gas station to buy cigarettes so they choose to die instead.
That was the governor's only logical plan to combat against brain drain. Addition by subtraction.