The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

I (Pronoun) Robot

I think I'm in a slump. I keep starting posts and I end up throwing them away. The worst part is that I can't post any story where I use the word "I" in the subject or predicate more than 5 time in the first 3 sentences... Oh. No... I guess this one is going to end up on the draft heap too.

I have not used the word predicate in probably 8 years or so. I don't even know if "I" can be a part of the predicate of a sentence unless you're from Kentucky. Antecedent is a word that I haven't used in a long time either. There are a lot of words that I forget about concerning the formation of an English sentence. That seems like about 12 years of classes I didn't really need. Thank God I tested out of that wretched class for college. Engineers can test out of English pretty easy, but all English majors (and everyone else) have to take math classes. The engineers laugh their way through math classes while the English majors struggle with them. However, the English major would be the first to point out that English and Engineer both start with the same 3 letters.

Tonight I received an email stating that my Spanish III class would be starting in two weeks. It's on Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 PM. I didn't remember signing up for a Spanish class nor did I think that listening to 12 out of 30 lessons on CD would be enough to bump me up into 3rd year level. They must have been listening to me in my truck while I'm speak-n-learning the lessons. That concerns me because they probably hear when I sing with the radio. I better get a cut of the royalties if they release a secret recording CD set. I don't even know who the antecedent to "they" is.

Well I don't think I'm going to go. I told the person who sent the email about my Spanish class that I wouldn't be able to make two flights a week, half way across the country out to Seattle, where the class was being held, because it would be right after work and my boss wouldn't let me drive the company vehicle. I'd have to leave work 2 days early every week. It is $35 to cancel this class that I didn't sign up for. Oh, I mean, for which I didn't sign up.

I hope they don't send bloodhounds after me to get the cancellation fee. I won't pay it. I bet they can make bloodhounds smell the screen when my email is on it so they can get the scent and track me down. I bet if they made a bloodhound smell this post the poor dog would yelp and hide behind the couch with his paws over his eyes.

Come out of the house with the $35 over your head.

I am writing the postcards that I promised a long time ago - TO NIGHT (that is the old English spelling). If you want one and haven't said anything yet, feel free to leave a comment. (This is the shameless comment grab portion of the post) I will be using a free VlAg(A) pen to write them and if that makes you uncomfortable then you can rescind your request. It's not a big deal.

I'm not going to even spell check this.

(Haha BIG.)

posted by Ghengis @ 10:56 PM,

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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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