The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Domestic Warfare II

This weekend I bought a house. We drew up a proposal on Friday and submitted it on Sunday. My realtor and I were fairly sure that my offer was a little too imbalanced in my favor and we would probably get a counter offer. My offer was accepted only three hours after it was submitted. My first reaction was surprise. My second immediate reaction was maybe I offered too much money. Or was it that I was actually hoping it was rejected so we could continue this parlay further?

See, I've spent part of my free time lately playing Civilization III which I stole from my roommate. I build, control, trade, and lead my people to war and diplomatic agreements with other civilizations with the ultimate goal of taking over the world. I've also been reading a book about a bunch of genius kids who saved the world from an alien threat and how after that threat was eliminated, their respective countries are using their children's genius military prowess to wage war against other countries who are no longer unified by a common threat. Meanwhile, one other kid is trying to unite the world in one government.

Needless to say, the gears in my head have been set on world conquest mode. I don't plan on taking over the world but I have been passively over-analyzing the simplest of situations and making it appear as if the world hangs in the balance depending upon what decision I make. At work we were dividing up territories at a meeting. I felt like I was already at an advantage because I was given the largest territory to cover. It wasn't until later that I realized that I would be doing the most work.

The washer and dryer were not to be included with the purchase of the home. My realtor and I conspired to slip in the means to acquire those with our offer. We were sure that the seller had his heart set on keeping his precious washing machines. But, the bastard beat us but dangling them out in front of, knowing that we would try to get them. We were washer/dryer blind to what we could have made it. We should have set our sights higher. I regret that I didn't try to get one of his gold mines or oil drilling rights.

I did have a contingency plan in case things did go awry, but he accepted too quickly for these plans to be put in motion. Now what am I supposed to do with these?

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"I bought a two bedroom house, but isn't it my choice how many bedrooms there are? This bedroom has a oven in it. This bedroom has a lot of people watching TV. This bedroom is A.K.A. the hallway. This bedroom's in that guys house. Sir, you have one of my bedrooms. Are you aware? Don't decorate it." - Mitch Hedberg

posted by Ghengis @ 10:49 PM,

1 Conflict(s):

At April 18, 2005 at 11:41 PM, Blogger Louise Allana has news of...

I love that quote.

We know where you live (kinda). Hide the oil.

How're the injuries going?


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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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