The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Mr. Jekyll

I've realized that I'm two different people between work and home/school. At work I'm an insane work machine that chugs away at projects, finishing everything efficiently and quickly but I leave a huge mess in my wake. When I get home I put off any important tasks. I usually keep a modest stack of bills and papers to be done on my desk. When I was in school I did all homework the night before. However, I keep everything pretty clean around here. I'm not insane about being clean, but seriously: ROOMMATES - DO THE DISHES THEY'VE BEEN IN THE SINK FOR 5 DAYS!.

I bought hooks to hang my bike up about 6 months ago. I've been saying that I was going to buy a shelf for the garage for 6 months. I did not do either of these things until last week! The hooks have been hanging on my bike handles the whole time but I had to buy a stud finder to find the joists. I bought the stud finder two weeks ago. Beating on the ceiling with a hammer didn't work to find the joists.

The fact that I have done my taxes already is astonishing.

Doesn't it look wonderful? I still have a huge pile of papers to file somewhere around here. At work I file everything immediately. This trait will not follow me home no matter how many dog treats I try to use on it.


An Amish girl sold me the 32 oz Styrofoam cup. Who let her use the electronic cash register?

So clean you can eat off of it.

In my work truck, the passenger's side floor doubles as a trash can. In my car, if you drop a piece of trash on the floor I set a Mission Impossible alarm to go off that slams down the gas pedal and locks the steering wheel until they pick it up. No one leaves trash on my floor twice for fear of dying. It is a little bit dirty now because of snow dirt, but once I vacuum it, you will be able to eat off of it. But if I catch you eating off of it I'd have to kill you.

I don't know if this kind of duality exists for most people or not. Luckily I was hired entirely on my work ethic. I was rejected for every job that tried to select me on my school ethic. GPA is a bad measure of how I work because it is a reflection of my home self which was lazy in getting school work done. None of this matters for me anymore, but what about other people?

If I am ever in a position to hire someone I'm not going to look at their academics, clubs, GPA, or any special awards. The real go-getters are the ones with none of these ephemeral things. I want to know the average time between the start of their homework to the deadline. The lower the better. I want to know how big their stack of bills are. They'll probably want to lie and tell me what they think I want to hear. I'll be keen to that. I really don't like people who think they can talk their way out of everything.

posted by Ghengis @ 8:57 PM,

3 Conflict(s):

At February 22, 2005 at 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

what are you using for stats?

At February 22, 2005 at 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

erm, ...


At February 22, 2005 at 11:49 AM, Blogger Ghengis has news of... I forgot who I stole it from.


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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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