The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

All These Foggin' Flies

It has been foggy in the mornings lately. I get up extra early and listen to the radio hoping to hear that my company has issued a delay among all of the school delays, but it never happens. There are no delays in the working world.

Driving in the fog gives the feeling of being enclosed by a cocoon of mist, almost like you aren't outside at all, but inside. This brings back warm childhood memories of always wanting to drive inside a building. (I really wanted a Hummer when I was 12-years-old. I think this is a good commentary on Hummer owners. I also always wanted to flood the basement at my house so I could swim inside, but I've never done anything like that.)

Visibility was over 200 feet, the lines on the road were easy to see, and everyone had their lights on. Now in my driving-indoors fantasy, there are no other vehicles and I can drive as fast as I want. This fantasy is ruined when the truck in front of me wants to play captain safety and drive 30 mph. I can't pass because that would be dangerous, but a hint of speed wouldn't hurt anything. I thought I saw a turtle zoom past us, but it could have been a fog-mirage.

I tried to think of what could possibly be the reason for driving so slow. Are there nefarious construction crews that quickly remove sections of the road in a dense fog? They probably would catch a lot of people like me in their trap hole and then take my truck while I'm knocked out. I guess that might be a pretty scary thing to think about when you're driving, but if that is the only thing you can think about in your commute, you should take the bus.

Overcautious drivers need to be removed from the road. If you can't drive with confidence, then you need to hire someone to do it for you. If you can't afford someone to drive for you a driver will be appointed by the state. The test is if you can go to a 4-way-stop and TAKE YOUR TURN. I love the smiley people that think they're doing a you a favor by waving you through during their turn at the stop. Meanwhile a backlog of drivers, behind this philanthropist, are loading their weapons. Causing more traffic makes people beat their wives. What kind of favor is that?

Anyway, I can take out my driving frustrations on the grill I got for my birthday. Sunday I cooked out on the balcony. I left the door open because I'm an open-door kind of person and I wanted to watch the games on TV.

At least they aren't stacked on top of each other.

Some flies got in and they have taken up residence in our kitchen and sometimes my bathroom. I didn't think flies lived for very long but these are troopers. I think roommate food that lies in the sink for weeks has special properties that cause everlasting life. If that's the case, my sink is the fountain of youth.

The great stand-off.

posted by Ghengis @ 8:03 PM,

1 Conflict(s):

At October 13, 2004 at 1:55 AM, Blogger My Life In Indiana has news of...

I think I have that same blue cup!

Have a good Wednesday,



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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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