Time for the Chore List
Monday, August 02, 2004
Every time I have moved in with new roommates I've always had to adjust to the differing idiosyncrasies accompanying each person. They always drag a part of home with them as they drag in their beds and kitchen supplies. It is interesting to notice how different some people are raised in the ways that they do things that you had never thought of. Sometimes it is very educational and you can learn a lot from your roommates. Here are some things I have learned from roommates, present and past:
- Trash can be piled to almost twice the height of the trash can before it is taken out
- Bananas are supposed to be refrigerated
- You can put half of a sandwich into the NON garbage disposal side of the sink and it will magically disappear after a few days of soaking
- If the TV is off for once it must be broken
- Slices of cheese should not be wrapped up in the refrigerator because it might suffocate and it's reprehensible to suffocate something and then eat it
- Milk can be kept out on the counter overnight with the cap off without a second thought
- Q-tips emit a screeching sound so no matter how hidden they are, the roommate can find them
- Toilet paper buying is a fun game of willpower
- No matter how nice it is to hear the surround sound that I set up, the crappy TV speakers will always be turned all the way up
- Frozen pizzas will only cook if you dirty a pizza pan and if you don't use a pizza pan the pizza is going to fall into the bottom of the oven and you'll never get it out!!
- Towels that I hang from the oven handle dry much fast when they are wadded up and thrown next to the sink
- Sauerkraut is really good and smells really good and it should be cooked all the time
- The sink can think better when it has more dishes in it
- Silverware has to be in those STUPID DIVIDERS because it is too easy to just dump everything into the drawer
- The proper response to my getting home from work is to rub your eyes and say, "What time is it?"
If it were not for roommate I would never have learned these valuable life skill lessons. High schools should not have home economics courses. They should just make high school kids live together and if they can get through it without killing eachother they get an A or a gold star or Burger Kings coupons or whatever politically correct markings they give out now
posted by Ghengis @ 11:46 PM,
5 Conflict(s):
- At August 3, 2004 at 12:43 AM, Envoy-ette has news of...
Those roommates prepare you for married life! Good luck, sounds like you may need it! LOL
- At August 3, 2004 at 1:33 PM, has news of...
My silverware sits in a plastic meijer bag in the drawer, I only eat on the small plates--never the big ones--and the milk in my fridge (that I used for my chai tea this morning) expired two days ago.
And I own one rusty, dented spoon.
Have a wonderful day,
-tmtt - At August 3, 2004 at 4:14 PM, Ghengis has news of...
I don't know if I was misleading or not - I am a big advocate of not using silverware dividers. I even go to the anti-silverware-divider meetings. It's not like if you don't have a divider that you'll accidentally pick up two butter knives and try to eat soup with them just because you couldn't tell they were not spoons because they were not divided.
The milk I could care less about.
I would not marry anyone like my roommates... because they are guys... and I can hit them. - At August 3, 2004 at 7:54 PM, Louise Allana has news of...
Oh dear Dan. I am afraid I can no longer harbour a secret wish to marry you. Not now that you have revealed your anti-silverware-divider status. You were doing really good till then.
- At August 4, 2004 at 10:45 PM, Ghengis has news of...
We can still get married, but you'll have to do the dishes =)