The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Pineapple Grass Spacehats

I play basketball every Sunday night. I'm not very good but I keep doing it. Since I'm not very good, I usually do something I'm good at before I go which is drive. However, this time I did not drive and played the role of a passenger on the way to basketball.

We stopped at a red light next to some girls. They were to the left so I had to look over my driver to see them. Since he partially blocked my view all I could really see was their rearview mirror - and hanging from it was what looked like underwear.

We were taking turns half glancing at it, trying not to make it obvious that we were trying to see some underwear. It is not everyday that you get to see girl underwear hanging from car parts, if that's what really it was.

Well the light turned green and we started moving. I was still not satisfied! I had to know what she had hanging there. By this time it was obvious that we were not so sly and they had noticed our ogling. That's when I did what I had to do. I tore my own underwear off through my shorts and hung it up from the rearview mirror in our car.

The occupants of the girl car went wild and the tables had turned as they were trying to figure out what I had hung there. At this time they had moved to the right side of us. I screamed at them, "Are you staring at my underwear??" That's when I got mad and threw it at them. It hit the windshield and got stuck on her wiper when she tried to flip it off. They were screaming the whole time while her car jumped the curb and flew into a pond.

Geez, can't a guy hang his underwear from his friend's rearview mirror without the whole world staring?

posted by Ghengis @ 11:55 PM,

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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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