The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Missing in Action

Last night when I got home I got ready to take my contacts out. Sometimes I open my contact case and I see that I've left solution in it from last time. Last night was one of those nights, so I dumped the solution on the floor to prepare the case for some fresh solution. I put my finger to my eye and started to pull to the side.

I kept pulling but no contact came out! I knew from experience that no matter how long you pull at your eye, your eye will not make new contacts. This can be very confusing when you've been drinking. It is easy to forget that contacts come from a box that is made in a factory and they do not come from a factory inside of your brain.

Well after a short amount of time I realized that I had already taken my contacts out! I would have known sooner if there was a plastic warning placard attached to them that was chained to each lens that said, "NOT CURRENTLY IN YOUR EYE". You would be able to turn it over when it was in your eye to say, "IN YOUR EYE". However, the flappy chains coming out of your eye while you're walking around in the wind. It might flip the loose label over that hangs down to your cheek - and it's anybody's game to know if the contacts are in your eyes or not once that label is flipped over. I guess you could glue them to your cheek everyday.

Ok, seeing as how I took my contacts out and had poured the solution on the floor, I quickly realized that my contacts were on the floor with the solution. I lied on the floor for awhile trying to find them. I brushed my fingers through the carpet hoping that they would rake across something gooey. I found one of them but passed out trying to find the other.

I sure hope it is ok. I'll miss that little guy. Please, left contact, if you read this - please call or write soon. Good bye.

posted by Ghengis @ 2:59 PM,

1 Conflict(s):

At June 6, 2004 at 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

I've been known to lose a contact in my eye. It goes up in my head and just never comes back. One time I was sitting around and I blinked and a lens fell out of my eye. Problem was, I was wearing glasses at the time. Yep, lost and found lens. My eyes DO make contacts.

keith e.


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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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