The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Movin' on up

Today future roommate and I went to look for apartments. I guess future roommates should have names. From now on future roommate will be Ketchup. There is another future roommate who did not come with us. Magic obviously doesn't care where he is going to be living. Magic will live where we tell him and breathe only when he asks.

So we pulled up the the first place. We were welcomed with signs that say, "Future Resident Parking". I always fell uncomfortable parking at these spots because I don't know if I'm really going to live there or not - yet every place has them. I feel like I need to sign a contract just to park in that spot. I'd be much more comfortable parking in an unlabeled spot or a spot that says elevator to the center of the earth, because I don't think I'd have to fight for that one.

I guess if we decide on a place and sign the lease I will be able to have unlimited parking in the Future Resident spots since I'll be one. I'd probably park in my Future Resident spot and lean up against my car scopin' out the honies, bobbin' my head back and forth to some 50 Cent or something. I could probably wax my car in that spot too. Maybe I could set up a Kiosk and sell advice. The apartment people wouldn't be able to get rid of me until they made my apartment available for me to move in, where-by I would become a resident rather than a future one, so that would be a pretty good motivation tool.

The apartments we looked at were pretty nice. But, I think I could live in a cardboard box and be happier than at any college apartments. I learned that it pays to tell the apartment people that you don't really care about certain things. Since we didn't care about the fireplace he said he would not charge us for it because the only one he had left had a fireplace. When I saw him write a lower price down I told him that we did not really care for kitchens or doors or air vents either. He had to get a book out and check out how much those cost and marked it down accordingly. I wish I would have said more things that I didn't care for.

So after we looked at 5 places or so, Ketchup and I kind of rehashed which ones were our favorites and kind of ranked them aloud. I told him my list and he told me that I had them in the wrong order. It turns out that ranking apartments based on the hotness level or the person showing them to you is not the best way - they do not come with the apartment.

I would much rather pay rent money to a hot woman once a month.

posted by Ghengis @ 7:13 PM,

2 Conflict(s):

At June 16, 2004 at 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

boys always have it wrong. if i were King, i'd buy apartments and only rent to hot people. it'd be so much cooler if hot people came to my door every month and gave me money. i'd like that.

do you think i pay extra in rent because i said i loved the fireplace? i really do though...maybe it's worth it. they could have thrown in some wood though.

At June 18, 2004 at 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

i think i will open up a place with hot women, that people like you can come pay rent to once a month.




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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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