The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Passive Aggressive Pact (PAP)

Sometimes I want to let the roommates know that the dishwasher (yeah I'm gonna talk about this again) has been nearly empty for 10 days and that there really isn't a good reason to keep stacking things in the sink. If they think things disappear when you put them in the sink, just think what happens when you close them behind the dishwasher door. They disappear completely and you don't even have to call David Copperfield!

So when I want to send this message, plain and simple, I just open the door to the dishwasher for all to see. The vast empty space screams out to be loaded with slimy taco pans and plates with dried ketchup on top. Roommates and any passing vagrants can see that there is prime dish cleaning real estate available on a first come, first serve basis. No thinking is required! If the dishwasher was an amusement park, the dishes would be lining up themselves and wearing short shirts that show off their belly fat just to be able to jump in the soapy ride of a lifetime.

Well I suppose opening the dishwasher to send a message is a little passive aggressive. I'd get much better results if I were to go up to roommate and say, "Roommate your tacos from last Thursday are starting to grow legs, it would be especially nice if someone were to keep the smell from running through my nose." However, my saying this may result in the other players of Warcraft receiving the message that, "OMG my roomate is such a fag." and I will not have my name sullied over the Internet! We live in constant fear of being made fun of.

The natural response to my non-vocalized request would probably be to say inside of your head, "Ok I guess I've had dirty dishes in the sink for over a week and haven't done anything about it. Man, I'm a jerk! But Dan is a bigger jerk for making me realize how much of a jerk I am. I'm gonna show him! I'm going to open all of the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen! Haha! Then I will have plenty of time to go in my room and calm down by taking the clothes off of my female paladin character and take semi-naked screenshots of her so I can look at them whenever I'm feeling lonely. She never tells me to do the dishes."

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I really wish I was making this up.

I guess he's a little frustrated that I didn't invite him to stay at the new house. I might have but I don't know how he would have handled the no high school kids are allowed to come over rule and the you have to come out of your room for at least 5 minutes a day rule. It's not often that the Mongolians will take to outright slander, but these are the terms of the PAP. No direct conflict allowed.

Today we are landscaping. The tree in the picture is all that has been added. More is on the way!

posted by Ghengis @ 6:56 AM,

5 Conflict(s):

At June 27, 2005 at 9:02 AM, Blogger My Life In Indiana has news of...


I have the same problem with one of my roommates, except minus the creepy Warcraft thing. That part makes it unreal hilarious.

So I guess I shouldn't complain. Plus, my roommate that is very messy did once attempt to load the dishwasher. However, our dishwasher was like a scene from a Bernstein Bears book where Brother and Sister bear have shoved the entire contents of their room into their closet and so Mama bear gets avalached when she opens the door.

The 21-year-old roommate responded by saying "I can't help it. I don't know how to load the dishwasher."

It's amazing that I can remember plots to Bernstein Bears books but not important stuff in life.

What do you think would happen if I ended up going to THE Ohio State's law school as a Michigan fan? I think it'd be like that ESPN "Without sports, this wouldn't be wrong" commercial. It's probably a good thing it isn't one of my top five choices.

At June 27, 2005 at 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

Oh my god dan! You're still here! I couldn't load your blog for months, everytime I tried to go to it, it would freeze my browser. On a whim I tried again today and hey! I got through! Damn, I've got some reading to do. Yeah. So I've quit going to college so I could stop living off of my parents, and am now saving money to move to pennsylvania next spring. Yay!
-The Ankou

At June 29, 2005 at 12:46 AM, Blogger Ghengis has news of...

Hey Lisa, if you can remember Berenstein Bear plots and you know how to load the dishwasher then you're better than my roommates because you can remember 2 things. one time the other roommate put a bowl on top of the middle thing where the sprayer comes out. "Why can't it go there?" was the reply.

Don't go to OH IO. All they have is the very first bdubs going for them. Everything else is just big buildings and a river that you can run next to. Plus when I went for a walk there I needed a student ID to get into the bathroom. I wasn't gonna sleep in it!

Also I saw them throwing Michigan fans into a pit of wolverines and they pelted them with buckeyes. It is a very bad place to wear the yellow and blue.

Hi ankou!
I didn't know if you'd ever come back and I almost deleted your link when I was cutting down old bookmarks but I just -couldn't do it-. I'm glad you're still alive and everything. I'll try to cut down on the browser freezing posts.

At June 29, 2005 at 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

If I had known that you were PA, I would have asked you for advice before I ripped my travel-friend a new one today. He's been pulling PA crap with me for a few weeks, and we don't even leave until tmrw!

Not just that, but he reads my blog, so I can't post about it there. I need to scream.



At July 1, 2005 at 11:18 PM, Blogger Ghengis has news of...

hey revi the best way to overcome other people who are passive aggressive is to post something about them on the internet where they won't find it. This is like magic powder that will fix all interpersonal problems.


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