The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Look at that guy talking about the stuff he has.

She's getting tired and now she's over the hill. I wish I could tell her that a grandchild was on the way but it's not going to happen for awhile. But I've been with her longer than anyone else at 58% of her life.

One to Go
100000 Miles
That's a lot of gas money.

I also ceased being a landlord as of Friday. I can now go into my home but I was away for the weekend so my first chance to see it was Sunday night. I was planning on having a new blogger template up in commemoration of new property but I didn't have a chance to do anything with it even after chartering a little help from matt. I'll do it later.

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You can drink beer in this room after helping me paint over that ugly yellow dining room.

It is a huge turn-on, to all of the materialistic whores in Chicago, to meet a single 20-something guy who just bought a house for no real reason. Well it was to at least one. Of course, if you're a jaded big city person, buying a house means coming up with a billion dollars for the down payment. I don't know if it translates well that you can buy something larger and in a quieter neighborhood in a mid-sized city for pennies in comparison to the big city.

And I wasn't walking around with a sandwich sign and a bullhorn telling everyone I bought a house. It's more of an inevitability of conversation. But, we did try to steal a bullhorn from the bartender that was yelling at me to buy another Jagerbomb.

I wonder how much the house from Family Matters would go for these days - that is, if you treat it fairly and don't count the historical repercussions and the tender mark the Winslow family left on our hearts every Friday night in the 80's.

posted by Ghengis @ 11:51 PM,

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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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