The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)

Home Improvement

I remember when I was little I kind of got excited whenever Home Improvement was coming on. Even in my youth, I was still shrewd enough to identify it as a stupid show but I still needed to know what was going to happen each and every week. Oh Tim Allen, in what hilarious ways will you grunt this week? Will we get to see Wilson's face this time? In what whacky way will Al embarrass himself today?

I don't remember anything getting fixed on that show though. On the other hand, that's all I have been doing for the last two weeks. Click on these before pictures to see the after pictures. I've had a lot of help as it is still difficult to do everything with half of my arms on the DL.

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Looking for a place to dump over a ton of dirt is a whole day's worth of fun.

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The previous owner was scared of plants and doing physical labor.

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Carpeted bathrooms are good for insane asylums, not homes. (Don't worry I cut out the toilet hole - this is not France)

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This is where the previous owner held Knife Fight Club. The first rule was to not mention it in the seller's agreement.

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Cooking everything over the oven.

posted by Ghengis @ 10:34 PM,

6 Conflict(s):

At July 6, 2005 at 12:25 PM, Blogger My Life In Indiana has news of...

you need more plants...

have you met your neighbors yet?

did you have a good fourth of july weekend?

At July 6, 2005 at 11:40 PM, Blogger Ghengis has news of...

Yeah it's been too hot to plant new plants. My brother put some orange flowers around the light pole (not in the picture) and I have to water them everyday so they don't die. We also added all the plants by the front door. It used to be a dirt path like the wild west. I kicked down the door and demanded whiskey.

I met the neighbors. Neighbor on the left had a wet hand when I shook it. Neighbor on the right has 30 kids over everyday including one kid that thinks he's a fire truck when he's on his bike... up and down the street making fire truck sounds.

My weekend was good except when I missed batman because I passed out watching it at the drive-in. It looks like you had a good weekend. Any weekend that has a boat is better than those without a boat.

At July 7, 2005 at 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

oh man, I needed to get an engineering degree. your house looks great, even in the mid-repair stage. a very photogenic house.

i have the evil, ugly stepsister house. there is one 'screen' door (in quotes because it is actually all glass) in the front of the house. the glass is busted. turns out there is no resistance to the door so it will bang completely open on a windy day, and there is a mailbox/slot hung on the door right beside the door.

and there are plug-ins next to the door of the bathroom. i guess so that i could watch tv close-up on the john with the bathroom door open, just the way i like it.

At July 10, 2005 at 11:24 PM, Blogger Ghengis has news of...

Thanks Jen. I unthinkingly put a 75W bulb in the light in the yard and cleaned the glass around it so it's photogenic around the clock. You can probably see it from space. I bet the neighbors bang on my doors at night... but nobody's home - yet.

I want to see your house! Is the door problem because it doesn't have a pneumatic closer or because of the lack of glass or a combination of both? Maybe you can put cray paper streamers on the door to slow it down for the time being.

I love it when people think you're mad because you close a door in the spring or fall at closed-window speed becuase you aren't used to the windows being open.

At July 12, 2005 at 12:09 AM, Blogger Louise Allana has news of...

Lots of hard work! You must have good helpers. The house is looking more and more homely.

At July 12, 2005 at 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous has news of...

The door is a problem because the glass is broken (needs to be replaced), and because it flops open.

I mis-typed when I said mailbox/slot. It actually is one of those mailbox things that hangs on the side of the house. When the glass door swings wide open, the glass collides with the metal corner of the box, thus shattering the glass.

I have no idea how many times that has happened.


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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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