The Mongolians

Exercise, Subway, Roommates, Neighbors, and Politics (not really politics)


I've been clicking through random blogs with the button on the upper right. Every time I run over the same template as mine I first think that someone stole my template! Then I calm down my rage, pick up the pieces of the mouse that shattered off of it from throwing it at the wall, and I realize that I made no effort on this template and it's free for anyone to use.

I've been sitting here in front of a blank new post page for about 10 minutes. I get a tickle in the back of my head when I haven't posted for awhile. It's probably kind of like the same feeling a serial killer gets when he hasn't worn someone different's skin for some time. The voices say, "Dan, you haven't posted in about a week and it's pretty likely that all of your internet friends have abandoned you..."

Everyone else has a pretty neat page design. I'm jealous because they aren't that complicated, but look a lot nicer than what I'm using. I wish I had the time to make it a little bit more elaborate. I probably could have used the 10 minutes of staring at the screen to tweak some of the HTML, but if I had used that time I probably wouldn't have written this off-the-top-of-my-head post. Plus, I don't want to re-learn HTML. Every time I post a clickable picture I have to re-lookup how to make anchors. It's not worth it.

Anyway, I've also been keeping track of how people get here like some of you. (At least I could figure that out.) I feel like the words I write are a trap set for search engine users. Someone clicks on the link to this site and accidentally finds themselves hanging upside down from a tree with their leg looped through a snare screaming, "This is not what I expected!" Sure, they can cut loose with the back button, but it's still a waste of time.

There are a lot of people that come here looking for 'mongolian pictures'. Some are trying to find the Ashlee Simpson video clip because they want to damage their hearing. My favorite search was a search for "Please". Apparently The Mongolians weblog is the height of politeness. Still, most people get here for a simple search for "Mongolians".

People, this is not a site about Mongolians. Where would you get an idea like this? I am not even a Mongolian. Once someone told me I looked like a Mongolian because I'm unusually strong, but I think he meant mongoloid because I was lifting something stupid. This isn't even a site about Genghis Khan or the conquest of most of Asia. I think this is pretty obvious. If you've come for Ghengis, the misspelled leader who commands nothing more than lights to turn on and off with the flick of a switch and minimal knowledge of HTML, then you have come to the right place.

But, here is your mongolian picture

Genghis Kahn, mongolia, mongolians, Chinggis, conquest, boobs, asia, Xixia, Yuan Dynasty, horse riding, people, empire, mongols, Justin Timberlake birthday party

posted by Ghengis @ 10:26 PM,

1 Conflict(s):

At February 4, 2005 at 1:15 AM, Blogger Louise Allana has news of...

you make me laugh. (thought it was long enough since i told you that!)


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    I'm Ghengis From Mongolia I like climbing, hopping across rocks in running water, and becoming an old man who is worried about the lawn. I hope today is friday.
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