Dogs and Cats... Living Together
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The memory foam continues to make the gears turn in my head while I sleep and forms dreams that blur into reality. Last night I had a dream that there was a paper I had to sign. There was an X and line and a lot of garbled words above the line. I had to sign the paper. It was a very important paper that had to be to the appropriate person ASAP.
The problem was that the paper lived only in my mind so in the dream I woke up into another dream. In the new dream I walked up to a printer to print out the paper from my mind. I was at a loss as to how to make the paper appear on the printer. I had no internal blue tooth connection, no USB plug-ins under my fingernails, not even an old serial connection or a memory card to plug in. There was no way to get something from my brain directly to paper! In dream world this was terribly alarming.
When I finally woke up I was sad. I knew that I would never be able to get the important document out of my head and it was quickly melting away as the dream Langoliers were taking it to task.
Back to the Future II taught us that we would have flying cars by the year 2015. It would have to be sooner though because the flying car highways were already set up in suburban America, so to be sure, the first flying car should roll out around 2011.
Things do not seem to be on track. If I can't download information from my brain by now and we can not even decide what the next car fuel is going to be, the future that we were promised by Hollywood seems pretty far fetched.
I had all but given up hope for the future until I saw a commercial on CNN Headline News. Welcome to the 21st century.

Now that this is solved, we can move on to less pressing issues.
posted by Ghengis @ 11:24 AM,